Your Body: Every Secret Hidden Inside
Hello, guys!
I’m Yujin👋
Today topic is! significantly important topic = Body and Health
Our health is really important, everyone knows this fact. Basically if we are sick, we cannot work and live properly. Health is one of the most important elements of a successful and happy life.
However, you probably didn’t recognize that such ‘hidden secrets’ were within our bodies all this time until now. Let’s explore our body’s hidden stories.
A Mysterious body: Our Life Inside It!
Inside our bodies, we have Five Organs, and Six Viscera. There is a reason they (five organs and six viscera) exist inside our body.
Today, I’ll reveal the secrets of the body that can only be known through the “MAEUM-BEOP”.
While studying MAEUM-BEOP, I came to understand the mysteried of the body more deeply. I realized that the existence of those organs was “Not Just Because”.
Every Organs Related With…
Did you know that those organs are actually related to our habits, our lives, and our destinies? You probably haven’t heard that before.
As I always say, all people have “Energy-Code”. Each person possesses over 80 trillion Energy-Codes during the life. Of course you too.🫣
No one knows what kind of Energy-Codes I live with, but because Energy-Codes are constantly acting, we live every moment, every minute, and every second under its influence.
(It may be a little bit difficult to understand. I’ll explain these parts more in the future.)
5 Organs vs 6 Viscera 🥳
Some Energy-Codes act significantly, including your own (especially your habits). These Energy-Codes are also related to your five organs and six viscera.
So, If you follow the MAEUM-BEOP’s self-love principles (taking good care of your body, and truly loving it through receiving the Majesty’s greatest love energy), your body will gradually filled with true love.
Fill Your Love Energy-Code
It means that its time for your reality to change significantly. Your reality will start to resolve a lot as well. Self-love through the MAEUM-BEOP is also a way to change your destiny.
Overseak is always included with the greatest Majesty’s energy field of MAEUM-BEOP, so this article is also filled with the power of that greatest Majesty’s positive&love energy. It can awaken the true love Energy-Code within you.
Follow This For You
Say ” Love you OO[your name] so much~” and touch your body. Your body will be filled with the Love Energy step by step.
It really works.😉 Hope you guys have a great healthy day today.
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