Are You Complete Person?🤔 (feat. Habit Changer)

Are You Complete Person?🤔 (feat. Habit Changer)

Are You Complete Person?🤔 (feat. Habit Changer)

Hello guys! I’m Yujin.

Are you a complete person?

Do you think you are living a perfect, complete life?😁

Jang WonYoung
Jang WonYoung

We are living life. During our daily routines, we often feel we lack in various moments. When we compare ourselves to others, we may feel jealous or envious. Even within couples or families, we experience a range of emotions while spending time together.

It is so obvious, because we are human.



I’m telling you something surprising right now.

A person is truly already perfect and complete in every way. We just don’t realize it. As a human being, you are already a perfect existence.


Why Can’t We Living a Perfect Life?

Yes. We are already perfect as a human beings.

However, why can’t we live a perfect life? These two sentences are might sound a bit awkward. We are perfect, but our lives are not perfect.

Credit: Giphy(@MOODMAN)
Credit: Giphy(@MOODMAN)

Today’s topic is “Our Perfect Life”

We are perfect, but we often make mistakes, repeat the same errors, have bad experiences, and feel sadness. There is a reason why we frequently encounter negative feelings and behaviors.


There is a reason why we feeling we are imperfect existence. The main reason is because of our HABIT.

Most people know that habits significantly impact a person’s life. However, what I’m about to tell you is an incredibly profound aspect that far exceeds what you might imagine.

It’s like discovering an enormous secret of life. Habit is the main reason that why we keep repeating the same errors and feeling negative emotions.

Our habit is operate in very detailed and accurate ways, so we have to follow the habits already built in our bodies. I always explain our Energy-Code, we have over 80 trillion Energy-Codes inside our body.

80 Trillion Energy-Codes

What do you feel when you see these numbers?

When I first heard about this fact, I was surprised and couldn’t comprehend how large a number it is. It’s a significant figure.

It means that we cannot fully understand everything about ourselves. How our body is moves and operates, how we think, and how our entire life functions.

We cannot truly know our real habits because humans fundamentally do not recognize themselves accurately. Your life is operates automatically based on various pre-existing habits built into your body. You can think, it’s weird but it is true.

So, if you want to change your life, you should examine your habits and change them. When you change your habits, you can seize the opportunity to transform your life into one of success and happiness.

Do You Want to Become a Habit Changer?

Do you really want to become a habit changer? Follow me😎!

According to MAEUM-BEOP, humans cannot easily change their habits. Changing habits is difficult, of course.

However, on this site(Overseak), MAEUM-BEOP’s greatest Majesty is always with us. Here, you can receive a huge amount of Positive & Love Energy-Codes, which will help you change your habits and lives too.

If you believe this fact, you can receive more Energy from MAEUM-BEOP. As you receive more Positive & Love Energy-Codes, you can experience a level of happiness that you couldn’t experience before.

I hope everyone becoming full of happiness today.😍🫶

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Overseak-Yujin Park
Author. Yujin Park.

Hello Guys! I'm Yujin😊❤️🤍

Overseak is about improving all aspects of your lives according to MAEUM-BEOP. We all have the same mission: to live a happy and successful life.

All rights reserved to Overseak and MAEUM-BEOP.

Are you ready to change your life?

Follow me and transform your life to be full of happiness. Good luck! 🍀